Parenting: early years to teenage years
Publications page of Parenting across Scotland, which contains research on the importance of early years, and effective approaches to parenting and family support.
Publications page of Parenting across Scotland, which contains research on the importance of early years, and effective approaches to parenting and family support.
The National Parenting Strategy has one clear purpose: to act as a vehicle for valuing, equipping and supporting parents to be the best that they can be so that they, in turn, can give the children and young people of Scotland the best start in life.
Report on the Family Action Perinatal Support Project which was established at four sites across the UK in 2010 and evolved from the early work of Newpin. The aim of this service was to offer women experiencing perinatal anxiety and depression support from volunteer befrienders who had experienced such perinatal mental health problems. A total of 86 volunteer befrienders were recruited and trained, and the service was provided to around 189 women during the study period.
Short summary of a detailed literature review, the Power of Play: an evidence base. It presents a strong body of evidence and expert opinion demonstrating the crucial role of play, especially outdoor play, in children’s enjoyment of their childhood, their health and their development. It also discusses the importance of creating spaces and opportunities where children can play freely in their local neighbourhoods.
Research briefing which is based on an online survey of 20 questions. The survey was administered in November and December 2011. Initially, childcare providers in Glasgow, East Ayrshire, West Lothian and the Shetland Isles were invited to participate, using a contact list provided by the Care Commission. Youth Scotland and the Scouts promoted awareness of the research through their ezines. Similarly, the Smartplay Network brought the research to the attention of toy library contacts.
Outlines the Scottish Government’s commitment to play in policy and guidance and acts as a supporting document to the Getting It Right for Play toolkit.
Provides a comprehensive literature review of the benefits of play to children and the wider community, and acts as a supporting document to the Getting It Right for Play toolkit.
Toolkit for all those interested in evaluating and improving local outdoor play opportunities and experiences for children and young people in Scotland. It shows how to use four tools to collect and analyse sufficient information to measure against eight indicators.
Survey of local authorities to explore their expectations and aspirations for what the legislation might deliver for early childhood education and care in Scotland. Views are presented in the context of the current debate about the importance of investing in provision for young children and their families. The survey suggests those responsible for providing and commissioning these services in local authorities strongly favour introducing a legal entitlement to integrated early childhood education and care and school age childcare.
Website of organisation that supports parents and carers in their role as their children's first and most important educators.