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Arts agency providing a platform for artists who find it difficult to access the art world either because of mental health issues, disability, health or social circumstance.
Arts agency providing a platform for artists who find it difficult to access the art world either because of mental health issues, disability, health or social circumstance.
This report, jointly published by the Equalities National Council and Scope, came out of a need to understand how BME disabled people, their families and carers feel about the services available to them so they can be improved.
A review of how the health care needs of disabled children and young people are met by the commissioners and providers of health care in England.
Paper from the Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2010, 23, 85–9. This study highlights some of the complexities in reducing inequalities in the provision of respite services and in identifying the need for them.
Article that analyses the way in which admissibility rules related to standing and victim status can in certain circumstances exclude persons with disabilities held in mental health institutions from the protection of the European Convention on Human Rights by denying them access to proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights.