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Housing policies for Scotland: challenges and changes

Major changes in tenure over the last 25 years mean that two out of three people in Scotland are home-owners and half of social housing is provided by independent non-profit organisations. Despite these changes, longstanding challenges still remain to be met, and new challenges are emerging. This study looks back over the past decade of Scottish housing policy and forward to the next, as well as, provides an overview of housing outcomes in Scotland and how housing policy contributes to these.

Remember, I’m still me

Care homes across Scotland need to significantly improve the care they offer to people living with dementia.

This report was produce by the Care Commission and the Mental Welfare Commission and highlights a range of concerns, most notably the excessive use of drugs used to control behaviour and the lack of regular medication reviews.

Tackling health inequalities in Scotland: working with communities - a partnership of Scottish intermediary bodies

The current economic climate presents major challenges for Scotland and, in particular, for the health improvement drive where the need for action has rarely been greater. Consequently, there has never been a more important time for politicians and policy makers to look at ways in which they can best harness the energies that exist in Scotland’s communities. This document examines some of the initiatives undertaken by various community-led and voluntary sector groups.

Report to the Secretary of State on the Review of Elective Home Education in England

This review has been triggered by a range of issues and representations, not least being the quite proper concern to ensure that systems for keeping children safe and ensuring that they receive a suitable education are as robust as possible.

The review was conducted by means of structured interview with a range of stakeholders including home educating parents and children, visits to local authorities and home education groups, a public call for evidence and a questionnaire to all top tier local authorities in England.