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Children in care

For a variety of reasons, some children and young people can’t live with their parents. When parents aren’t able to look after a child, the local authority has a legal responsibility to do so. It will find somewhere for the young person to live and someone to look after them. When this happens, the child is said to be “in care” or being “looked after”.

The second destitution tally: an indication of thee extent of destitution among asylum seekers, refused asylum seekers and refugees

The second destitution tally survey took place between 1st and 31st October 2008, and aimed to capture statistics on destitution of asylum seekers throughout the UK by surveying visitors to agencies belonging to the Asylum Support Partnership.

The report is in two parts: the Executive Summary provides a brief overview of the research for policy makers, setting out the aim of the exercise, the key findings, conclusions and recommendations; and the Research Results section gives additional evidence to reinforce the key findings.

It's everyone's job to make sure I'm alright: report of the child protection audit and review

Review to promote the reduction of abuse or neglect of children, and to improve the services for children who experience abuse or neglect. It pays particular attention to the needs of the small number of children whose family or environmental circumstances are so poor that their future wellbeing is placed at serious risk.

A child's legal rights At a glance

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child has been signed by 197 countries including the UK.Most parents make sure that their children grow up with care and support. Most schools do everything they can to make school a good experience. Some children, especially those phoning ChildLine, say that they feel they have no control at home and in school.