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Eating well in care homes for older people

This report details what the Care Commission found when it looked in detail at five areas of food and nutrition in a sample of 303 care homes for older people in Scotland during inspections in 2006 to 2007, investigated 91 complaints about eating, drinking and nutrition in 2006 to 2007, looked at the improvement notices that were served on care homes in 2008 to 2009, and worked with staff called nutrition champions to make improvements in eating, drinking and nutritional care in the care homes where they were working.

Child poverty in Scotland: taking the next steps

Child poverty has fallen in Scotland, but evidence from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation suggests that the current rate of progress will not achieve the 2020 target to eradicate child poverty. Some policy measures required to reduce child poverty (such as benefit increases) are not devolved powers, but the Scottish Government could do more to remove barriers to employment, sustain people in work and tackle low pay. This study discusses progress made in Scotland to end child poverty, and suggests what the Scottish Government needs to do to reach the 2020 target.

Adults with learning disabilities implementation of 'The same as you?' Scotland 2006

National figures for services provided by local authorities in Scotland for adults with learning disabilities are presented. All figures for 2006 relate to the week ending 10 September 2006 and are provisional. This publication is a result of The same as you? review of services for people with learning disabilities, published in May 2000. Its 29 recommendations for developing learning disability services set out a programme for change over 10 years.