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Integration of health and social care in Scotland and the implications of the third sector workforce

Paper that is a result of an information-giving and consultation process which took place from mid-April to August 2013 and represents views gathered in individual and group meetings with voluntary sector service providers, large and small.

It was also influenced by discussions with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC), commissioners at locality level, Third Sector Interface leads and policy makers and the body of work relating to workforce issues that has been conducted by CCPS.

The 'Bedroom Tax' in Scotland: welfare reform committee 5th report, 2013 (Session 4)

Report on the Housing Benefit Under-Occupation Charge to the Welfare Reform Committee of the Scottish Parliament.

The research was commissioned to give a deeper understanding of scale and the depth of those affected (at Scottish and local authority level) by the under-occupation charge and the capacity of the system to meet down-sizing demand via one bed vacancies coming forward in a given year (a rough proxy for capacity).

"We want to help people see things our way": a rights-based analysis of disabled children's experience living with low income

Study that explores disabled children's experiences of living in low income families. Through interviews and group discussions involving a total of 78 disabled children and young people and 17 parents, the research identifies the difference that income makes to whether disabled children enjoy the rights set out in international law.

The innovation forum/dialogue in action

Case study that is the fifth and final in a series of case studies that explore key strands of the Arts and Social Change programme within Citizen Power Peterborough.

Citizen Power Peterborough is a two-year programme of action supported by Peterborough City Council, the Royal Society of Arts and Arts Council England. The aim is to build connections between people and communities, get people more involved in public life and encourage active citizenship.

The emissary project

Case study that is the fourth in a series of five which will explore key strands of the Arts and Social Change programme within Citizen Power Peterborough.

Citizen Power Peterborough is a two-year programme of action supported by Peterborough City Council, the Royal Society of Arts and Arts Council England. The aim is to build connections between people and communities, get people more involved in public life and encourage active citizenship.