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Strategic threat assessment child trafficking in the UK 2010

This document is an assessment of the current intelligence picture of child trafficking into, within and through the UK. It aims to build on the findings of CEOP’s 2007 Scoping Report and the 2009 Strategic Threat Assessment.

The 2009 STA focused on the period 1 March 2007 to 29 February 2008. This assessment brings our knowledge up to date by focusing on data collected during the period 1 March 2009 to 28 February 2010.

Home care re-ablement services: investigating the longer-term impacts (prospective longitudinal study)

This study aimed to provide robust evidence on the immediate and longer-term benefits of home care re-ablement, by comparing outcomes for users of home care re-ablement with outcomes for people using conventional home care services; identify factors affecting the level and duration of benefits for service users; estimate the unit costs of home care re-ablement services; identify impacts on and savings in the use of social care and other services that could offset the costs of re-ablement; and describe the content of home care re-ablement services.

Guidance on action to reduce suicides in locations of concern

Preventing suicide at locations of concern forms an important part of a suicide prevention strategy. While the evidence base is slim, and for most of this guidance is no higher than Grade C according to the hierarchy of evidence set out by the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), there are advantages to taking a consistent approach to reducing the risk of suicide at locations of concern.

Criminal justice social work statistics 2009-10

Statistical bulletin which presents national level information on activity relating to community penalties in Scotland, derived from Local Authority Social Work management information systems.

It provides information on various aspects of criminal justice social work such as Social Enquiry Reports (SERs), Community Service Orders (CSOs), Probation Orders (POs), Supervised Attendance Orders (SAOs) and Drug Treatment and Testing Orders (DTTOs).

Preventing Crisis for Carers - The Moffat Project

The Moffat Charitable Trust “Preventing Crisis for Carers” project was been established to enable Princess Royal Trust for Carers centres to work with their local statutory partners, and other carers’ centres within their health board, to identify carers at the earliest possible stage and promote the development of good working practices around processes such as hospital discharge planning and carers’ assessments.

Resourceful leadership: how directors of children's services improve outcomes for children

Leading for Outcomes is a unique study into senior leadership in children's services in England, drawing on in-depth primary research with leaders in eight local authorities, and 22 directors of children's services. The eight local authorities were selected on a range of factors but primarily to represent existing high performers or rapidly improving authorities in terms of outcomes. The research was commissioned by the National College in partnership with C4EO, and completed by a team comprising Deloitte, Navigate and the University of Oxford. The study was completed during 2010.

Research governance in children's services: the scope for new advice

This project was commissioned by the former DCSF to inform the development of guidance on research governance in children’s services. The overarching aim was to contribute to the development of a more coherent and transparent system, that is proportionate to the governance needs and ethical risks in research with users of children’s services.

Serious case review: executive summary - Child D

This Serious Case Review (SCR) has been undertaken by the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board (the LSCB), a multi-agency partnership which is the key statutory mechanism for agreeing how local organisations will co-operate to safeguard and promote the welfare of local children.

The SCR has been undertaken in accordance with the statutory guidance set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children – Chapter 8: Serious Case Reviews (HM Government 2009).