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Ethnic diversity and inequality: ethical and scientific rigour in social research

This research addresses the increasing need for research to inform policy and practice development that is sensitive to the diversity of the UK's multiethnic population. Emphasis was given to the importance of ensuring that any guidance developed and promoted should be regularly appraised in light of the evolving social world and ethical and scientific standards. Research published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation in March 2011.

Poverty and ethnicity in Scotland: review of the literature and datasets

This study reviews literature and datasets to establish the main patterns, themes and issues from research on ethnicity and poverty in Scotland and to identify key sources of statistical information. This review considers vulnerability to, and experiences of, poverty in terms of income and employment, housing, education and health. Published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation in April 2011

You respond: promoting effective project participation by young people who have experienced violence - guide to good practice through training and development

Guide developed to provide training and learning materials to assist individuals and groups of staff within governmental and non-governmental organisations to develop good practices in relation to promoting the participation of young people who have experienced violence, and to assist members of these organisations in developing participatory projects to combat violence against children.

Individual patient budgets: background and frequently asked questions (Policy paper 1)

Following Lord Darzi’s pledge to pilot direct payments and individual budgets in health care, this paper provides a brief background to the concept and principles of these ways of working, before focusing in more detail on some frequently asked questions.

The paper is intended to help inform forthcoming pilots, and was initially commissioned by NHS West Midlands as part of their Investing for Health strategy.