This literature review examines the evidence relating to people with dementia living in extra care housing, commissioned by the Housing and Dementia Research Consortium (HDRC) in November 2008. Key aims were to identify recent literature with a focus on evidence relating to the following: design and use of the built environment; facilities, furnishings and equipment; care, support and therapeutic services; organisation and management; outcomes in relation to health, wellbeing, policy and cost. Key findings were that studies consistently highlight the importance of person-centred care, developing staffs' knowledge and expertise in dementia, partnership working and joint working. The findings are discussed in some detail under the following headings: activities; assistive technology; comparisons with other types of settings and care; cost effectiveness; design of the built environment; end of life in extra care; home for life / length of tenancy; integration v. dementia-specialist models; impact of care, services and facilities; prevalence and management of psychosocial and behavioural symptoms; service delivery / management / organisation; quality of life and well being. The report concludes with a number of recommendations for approaches to extra care research.