leaving care

Inspection of safeguarding and looked after children services: Staffordshire County Council

This is the report of an inspection carried out under the Children act 2004. The purpose of the inspection was to evaluate the contribution made by local services towards ensuring children and young people are properly safeguarded and to determine the quality of service provision for looked after children and care leavers.

The overall effectiveness of safeguarding services in Staffordshire was grade 3 (adequate). The effectiveness of services for looked after children and young people is adequate overall but with some good and outstanding features.

The advice needs of young people - the evidence : key research evidence on young people's needs for advice on social welfare issues

Report looking at young people's advice needs in connection with social welfare rights questions such as housing and homelessness. It presents the available evidence and attempts to explain the implications of the evidence. It is intended as a comprehensive source of information for anyone interested in or concerned with this subject.

Life after care : report for Children and Young People Now magazine and the Care Leavers' Foundation

Report of a study which aimed to explore the transition from care experienced by young people with a view to identifying any differences in the experiences of recent care leavers when compared to older leavers and pinpointing key factors in the transition which impact on life after care.

Still A Bairn? Throughcare & Aftercare Services In Scotland : Final Report To The Scottish Executive

The University of York was commissioned by the Scottish Executive to undertake a two-year study of the way local authorities are discharging their duties and powers under the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 to promote throughcare and aftercare for looked after young people. This final report is based on the findings of data from the national postal survey of thirty-one Scottish local authorities and other agencies involved in the provision of throughcare and aftercare.

Core tasks for Designated Managers in educational and residential establishments in Scotland

The role of the designated manager for looked after children and young people in schools was established following the publication of the Learning With Care report in 2001. Having a designated manager in educational establishments and developing a reciprocal role in residential child care establishments is central to improving educational outcomes. This Scottish Government guidance is aimed at assisting designated managers in discharging their responsibilities to looked after children, young people and care leavers.

The educational attainment of looked after children: local authority pilot projects - summary of the final research report

A summary version of the research report identifying interventions that appeared to make the most differences in terms of both the educational experience and the educational outcomes of the looked after children and young people participating in the pilot projects. The report was produced by Strathclyde University and published by the Scottish Government.