user views

Good Practice: Creative ways to promote personalisation

Describes some creative ways of promoting personalisation to service users and practitioners. The four methods highlighted are: A board game called 'Whose shoes? - putting people first'; a website (shop4support) where people who use social care support services can choose them online; Social Care TV - to be launched by SCIE in October - which will include video about personalisation, and attending regional personalisation roadshows.

Services for young people who sexually abuse: a report on mapping and exploring services for young people who have sexually abused others

This publication reports on a study that investigated recent developments in the UK and Republic of Ireland in services for young people who have demonstrated sexually abusive behaviour. The authors carried out: a literature review; a survey of key experts; a study of structural and management issues in this area; a mapping survey; analysis of policy documents; a qualitative study of service user perspectives. Findings from each activity are discussed separately before being drawn together in the final chapter.

Key messages: overview of mental health services

Key messages are presented from a study looking at mental health services provided by the NHS, councils, prisons, the police and the voluntary sector across Scotland for all ages. The study examines the accessibility and availability of mental health services and how much is spent on them.

The report provides an overview of mental health services and is the first in a series of planned reports in this area. The researchers carried out an overview to highlight areas for improvement and to identify priorities for future audit work.

A study into local authority charging for non-residential social care services

A stakeholder task and finish group was formed to advise Welsh Assembly Government Ministers on options for introducing consistency to non residential social care charges. This report begins with a summary of the consultation activity and an overview of stakeholder views. The main focus of the report is identifying and assessing policy options aimed at achieving greater consistency in charging for non residential social care services in Wales.

Finding strength from within: report on three local projects looking at mental health and recovery with people from some of the black and minority ethnic communities in Edinburgh

This exploratory community development project gathered the experiences around recovery of people using mental health services who come from some of the black and minority ethnic (BME) communities in Edinburgh. The project involved around 50 people from BME communities. The work with each of the three smaller projects was designed around the circumstances of that service and the ways in which those participants or service users wished to take part. This took place between December 2007 and May 2008.

Hand to mouth: the impact of poverty and financial exclusion on adults with multiple needs

People who have a range of needs including homelessness and mental health and substance use problems, and are involved with the criminal justice system, often live at the margins of our society. This research aimed to examine this group’s abilities to access financial services, their financial management skills and the interplay between key life events, mental health and offending.

Models for providing improved care in residential care homes: A thematic literature review

This Annotated Bibliography is one output from a review of the available research evidence to support improved care in residential care homes as the needs of older people intensify. The review identified extremely little published evidence on residential care homes; the research base is almost exclusively related to provision of care in nursing homes.

Citizen Leadership Programme

A series of 12 videos commissioned by SCLD (Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability), EDG (Edinburgh Development Group) , Heartfelt, ARC (Association for Real Change) Scotland on the subject of Citizen Leadership. Each video features a service user or carer talking about their experiences.