black and minority ethnic people

Multi-Faith Resource for Healthcare Staff

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) produced this guide through its Healthcare Chaplaincy Training and Development Unit. It was prepared for the guidance of the Spiritual Care Development Committee, a multi-faith group which represents the main faith and belief groups in Scotland and also includes representatives from chaplaincy, the health service and the Scottish Executive Health Department. The group is a forum for discussing ideas and issues concerning spiritual and religious care within NHS Scotland.

Black and Ethnic Minority Young People and Educational Disadvantage

From research based on the primary and secondary education system, this report collates and builds on the existing knowledge and information in this area to identify gaps in understanding and make recommendations for further research where appropriate. The key component of the report explores the extent and nature of educational change experienced by children and young people of ethnic minority backgrounds.

Less equal than others

As over-representation of black and minority ethnic (BME) groups in prisons and the criminal justice system (CJS) increases year-on-year, this report draws attention to understanding and addressing this disproportionality.

The report also acts as a reminder of the strength and value of voluntary and community-based organisations that challenge inequalities and provide a powerful network to address change.

Police and racism: What has been achieved 10 years after the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry report?

Ten years on from the publication of the Lawrence Inquiry report, the Equality and Human Rights Commission wanted to consider what progress the police service has made in terms of race equality. This report deals with four main themes: employment, training, retention and promotion; stop and search; the national DNA database; race hate crimes. The findings are discussed under the aforementioned headings and a number of case studies are presented.

Recovery Management

This resource contains a synthesis of findings from scientific studies and recommendations from new grassroots recovery advocacy and support organisations that are collectively pushing a fundamental redesign of addiction treatment in the United States. This resource introduces a recovery management model through a collection of four papers.

The advice needs of young people - the evidence : key research evidence on young people's needs for advice on social welfare issues

Report looking at young people's advice needs in connection with social welfare rights questions such as housing and homelessness. It presents the available evidence and attempts to explain the implications of the evidence. It is intended as a comprehensive source of information for anyone interested in or concerned with this subject.