black and minority ethnic people

A national study of ageing and HIV (50 plus)

This report contains the views and concerns of people with HIV aged 50 and over, living into an old age that many of them never expected to see. The social care needs of this rapidly growing group have not previously been addressed in the UK. The 50 Plus research project asked 410 of them – 1 in 25 of all those currently being seen for care – for their views on their current and future lives. The report also analysed the resulting data to compare three of the largest subgroups: gay/bisexual men, black African women and white heterosexuals.

Parenting in multi-racial Britain

Parenting has increasingly become the focus for policy and academic debate. The racial and cultural heterogeneity of British society also invites considerable attention to many aspects of the lives of minority ethnic families. Yet, there is little empirical evidence into ethnicity, parenting and family life. This study, by Ravinder Barn at Royal Holloway, University of London, explores the views and experiences of 'ordinary' parents to increase our understanding in some key areas, including family support, education, child discipline and the process of acculturation.

Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance newsletter December 2004

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA) promotes, supports and defends the principles and practice of independent advocacy across Scotland. This newsletter provides an update on the progress of the SIAA and includes details of their 'Training for Trainers' session, information about elder abuse, Freedom of Information Act (Scotland) 2002, some health and safety issues and details of useful organisations.

What makes parenting programmes work in disadvantaged areas?

There is increasing enthusiasm, both in government and in the community, for improving child outcomes through parenting programmes. This drive encompasses the ‘Surestart’ and ‘Respect’ agendas, and emphasises the importance of children’s centres and school-based support. However, many programmes have failed to work when rigorously tested. This study examines factors which influence programme effectiveness in poor, ethnically diverse areas.

Mapping rapidly changing minority ethnic populations: a case study of York

Official statistics can be of limited help to those providing services to increasingly diverse populations. Using an innovative approach, this project drew on both formal and informal sources to estimate the size and diversity of York’s minority ethnic population and the implications for key agencies. This report presents the approach piloted by the project, as well as the project team’s recommendations for policy and service organisations in York.

Mind guide to advocacy

Mind is a leading mental health charity in England and Wales and has produced information on many areas of mental health. This factsheet defines advocacy and discusses the different kinds of advocacy, who advocacy is for and the situations where it could be applied. Also included is a list of useful organisations and further reading.

Children and young people in custody 2006-2008: an analysis of the experiences of 15-18-year-olds in prison

This report presents the findings of a survey of the views and perceptions of 2,500 young people held in prison. Information is included on young people’s perceptions of their conditions and treatment, from their transfer to the establishment to their preparation for release. The results for young women, young men, and those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds are discussed separately.

Change within : the role of black and minority ethnic community organisations

Paper examining the wide range of organisations which mediate between individuals and the large-scale institutions which strive to engage with the specific needs of different communities. It makes clear how these groups can be part of the answer to questions the UK faces, such as how to make an increasingly diverse society function effectively.