housing and environment

Homelessness in Scotland: evidence to local government and communities committee

The Committee has asked for our views on access to housing in local areas, on homelessness legislation and on housing supply generally. Since each of these is a big issue in its own right, in the evidence below, Shelter has looked mainly at progress towards the 2012 homelessness target and at some of the implications of that target.

Young people's housing transitions

Issues affecting young people's ability to access independent housing are rising up the political agenda. In a series of UK-wide discussions and events, young people and practitioners working with young people gave their views on the housing options available to young people and whether these meet their needs and aspirations. It identified emerging trends, barriers young people face and examples of good practice.

Dying to belong: an in-depth review of street gangs in Britain

This report presents an overview of the landscape of gangs and gang culture in Britain. It attempts to analyse the nature and scale of gang culture in Britain; who is involved and what they are involved in; how Britain has reached this point; and what society can do to tackle it. The report also aims to formulate a clear unifying definition of a gang, distinguishing it from the everyday activity of young people on the street.

Housing policies for Scotland: challenges and changes

Major changes in tenure over the last 25 years mean that two out of three people in Scotland are home-owners and half of social housing is provided by independent non-profit organisations. Despite these changes, longstanding challenges still remain to be met, and new challenges are emerging. This study looks back over the past decade of Scottish housing policy and forward to the next, as well as, provides an overview of housing outcomes in Scotland and how housing policy contributes to these.

Prevalence and structural correlates of gender based violence among a prospective cohort of female sex workers

This study examined the prevalence and structural correlates of gender based violence against female sex workers in an environment of criminalised prostitution in Canada. The results demonstrate an alarming prevalence of gender based violence against female sex workers. The structural factors of criminalisation, homelessness, and poor availability of drug treatment independently correlated with gender based violence against street based female sex workers.