
Impact of 'virtual wards; on hospital use: a research study using propensity matched controls and a cost analysis

Study that assesses the extent to which multidisciplinary case management in the form of virtual wards led to changes in the use of health care and social care by patients at high predicted risk of future unplanned hospital admission.

The primary aim was to determine whether virtual wards have led to changes in rates of unplanned hospital admission compared to matched controls, and if so at what cost. The secondary aims were to assess the impact of the intervention on rates of A&E attendance, social care provision, GP practice visits, and the use of community health services.

Improving hospital admission and discharge for people who are homeless

Report that draws together the direct experiences of clients and staff to provide an updated national picture of hospital admission and discharge practice for people who are homeless.

It identifies examples of effective working, as well as where improvements still need to be made. It builds on existing guidance on hospital admission and discharge to propose a set of standards which can be applied regardless of the specific models of practice in place.

Continuity of care for older hospital patients: a call for action

Paper that focuses on the experiences of older people with multiple health problems, and particularly on their experiences inside hospital. Continuity is especially important for these older patients because: they are more likely to spend time in hospital and to be in hospital for longer; if they are frail, a stay in hospital can be life-changing; and, regrettably, in some hospitals and some wards older patients are exposed to unacceptable standards of care.

Delivering dignity: securing dignity in care for older people in hospitals and care homes. A report for consultation

This draft report, based on expert evidence, recommends fundamental changes to the culture, leadership, management, staff development, clinical practice and service delivery of care homes and NHS hospitals to secure the dignified care that is the right of all older people, with the belief that getting it right for older people will mean getting it right for everyone. The three organisations which have established the Commission want to play a major role in supporting hospitals and care homes to improve dignity in care, led by the staff who are working there day to day.