social exclusion

Closing the gap in a generation : health equity through action on the social determinants of health

Document arguing for an end to the significant differences in health and health care between and within countries through actions such as improving daily living conditions, tackling the inequitable distribution of power, money and resources, measuring the problem and assessing the impact of action.

Investing in Children: What Do We Know? What Should We Do?

This paper was published in February 2000 as CASEpaper 34 by the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion at the London School of Economics. It was written by Sheldon Danziger and Jane Waldfogel and is based on a Conference held in 1998 at Columbia University which looked at the investments required in child development to break the cycle of poverty. It concentrates on disadvantaged children and their families from pregnancy to adolescence.

The Road to Recovery : a new approach to tackling Scotland's drug problem

this strategy sets out a significant programme of reform to tackle Scotland’s drug problem and make a contribution to the Government’s overarching purpose, which is to increase sustainable economic growth. Central to the strategy is a new approach to tackling problem drug use based firmly on the concept of recovery. Recovery is a process through which an individual is enabled to move-on from their problem drug use towards a drug-free life and become an active and contributing member of society.

Britain's poorest children : severe and persistent poverty and social exclusion

The current Labour government has made a commitment to abolish child poverty in Britain by 2020. In its efforts to do so, a number of targets have been established and indicators of progress are being reviewed annually. However, tackling severe child poverty does not feature in these targets or indicators. In fact, although there is now a wealth of information about child poverty in Britain, very little is known about either the extent of severe child poverty or the children who are affected.

Improving the wellbeing of disabled children and young people through improving access to positive and inclusive activities

This review looks at the evidence base for improving the wellbeing of disabled children and young people through improving access to positive and inclusive activities. It assess where gaps in the evidence base occur and suggests where future research and development may need to take place.

Supporting older families : making a real difference

This resource is a practical tool for learning disability partnership boards and others working to support older family carers and their relative with a learning disability – referred to here as older families – to bring about positive changes in their lives. It should enable boards to measure what they are doing, how well they are doing it and to decide what they need to do next.

Ageism, Age Discrimination and Social Exclusion

In this learning object you are asked to consider issues which are central to understanding the experience of ageing and older age in contemporary society. Ageism, age discrimination and social exclusion diminish the quality of life which older people may enjoy. They also threaten their mental health. In spite of their negative effect on the daily lives of older people, however, ageism and age discrimination are often unrecognised, ignored, or even compounded in health and social care settings.

Employment Outcomes for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care

This report was produced in 2002 by the Chapin Hall Center for Children, based at the University of Chicago. It provides data on patterns of employment and the levels of earnings of youths leaving foster care in the year they become eighteen. The study was concentrated on youth from Carolina and Illinois. Comparisons are made with other youths of similar age from low income families and with those who are reunited with their parents before they are eighteen.

Monitoring poverty and social exclusion in Wales 2009

The New Policy Institute has produced its 2009 edition of indicators of poverty and social exclusion in Wales, providing a comprehensive analysis of trends. This is the second update of Monitoring poverty and social exclusion in Wales, following the original report in 2005, but is the first to be published in a recession. After reviewing ten-year trends in low income statistics, its focus shifts to unemployment and problem debt.