
Impact of family breakdown on children's well-being: evidence review

This review investigates the impact of parental separation and divorce on children’s well-being and development. The review incorporates evidence concerning family breakdown, and its consequences, in the context of understandings of ‘the family’, ‘breakdown’ and the ‘well-being’ of children and young people, and includes research relating to both married and cohabiting parents. ‘Well-being’ is defined as incorporating children’s mental, emotional and physical health.

'Extra care' housing and people with dementia: a scoping review of the literature 1998-2008

This literature review examines the evidence relating to people with dementia living in extra care housing, commissioned by the Housing and Dementia Research Consortium (HDRC) in November 2008. Key aims were to identify recent literature with a focus on evidence relating to the following: design and use of the built environment; facilities, furnishings and equipment; care, support and therapeutic services; organisation and management; outcomes in relation to health, wellbeing, policy and cost.

Forgotten Citizens: Today's Forgotten Citizens

This podcast was recorded at the 'Forgotton Citizens' Conference, held in Glasgow on the 17th June 2008. Furrah Arshad introduces the work of the organisation Ethnic Enable and its origins. She talks through some of the major issues affecting people with learning disabilities from black and minority ethnic communities in Scotland and also shares her thoughts on how best to make connections with families from black and minority ethnic communities. Tahira Ramzan is a young Asian woman with learning disabilities and she shares her experiences and hopes for her future.

Children in care (Radio 4 series: Woman's Hour)

This episode of Radio 4's Woman's Hour series asks if children who get taken into care should be looked after by strangers or by members of their own family. The Children's Act says children should be looked after by family members - if they want to take on the responsibility and are deemed suitable. But on Woman's Hour, the Family Rights Group says family and friends are too often ignored or rebuffed by social services. If the family does get approved they don't always get the financial support they need.

Healthy children, safer communities: a strategy to promote the health and well-being of children and young people in contact with the youth justice system

This cross government document aims to help tackle youth crime and anti-social behaviour, and contribute to community safety in England. It sets out a strategic approach to inform the work of the Healthy Children, Safer Communities programme board to fulfil the vision that children and young people will be safer, healthier and stay away from crime.

Supporting older families : making a real difference

This resource is a practical tool for learning disability partnership boards and others working to support older family carers and their relative with a learning disability – referred to here as older families – to bring about positive changes in their lives. It should enable boards to measure what they are doing, how well they are doing it and to decide what they need to do next.

Care provision within families and its socio-economic impact on care providers across the European Union

This is summary of a study that aimed to compile evidence on: the prevalence of long-term informal care-giving within a family setting to dependent family members or relatives in various EU countries, focusing on the most ‘heavily burdened’ carers; the socio-economic impact of care-giving on the households of family carers; and measures aimed at alleviating burdens on family carers by supporting them in the provision of care and/or compensating for the adverse socio-economic consequences of care-giving.