foster children

Ensuring all disabled children and young people and their families receive services which are sufficiently differentiated to meet their diverse needs

This review sets out to investigate the evidence base for the provision of differentiated services to meet the diverse needs of disabled children and young people and their families. It focuses on children from BME (black and minority ethnic) communities, children with complex needs, children living away from home, and children from refugee and asylum-seeking families as instances of those who face the most challenges to adequate service delivery.

Children in care

For a variety of reasons, some children and young people can’t live with their parents. When parents aren’t able to look after a child, the local authority has a legal responsibility to do so. It will find somewhere for the young person to live and someone to look after them. When this happens, the child is said to be “in care” or being “looked after”.

GIRFEC: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services - Accountability and practical change in child welfare: Beyond professionalism

This podcast is taken from the 'GIRFEC: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services' Conference held in Glasgow on the 24-26 September. Session 4 - Changing Children's Services. Dr Mark Creekmore, University of Michigan talks about Accountability and practical change in child welfare.