children in need

SCIE knowledge review 05: fostering success: an exploration of the research literature in foster care

Foster children have difficult early lives. Their needs are great, their educational performance can be poor, their childhoods in foster care and out of it are often unstable. In their adult lives they are at greater risk than others of a wide variety of difficulties. These 'facts' have led some to conclude that the state is not an adequate parent.

Getting it right for every child: children and young people's experiences of advocacy support and participation in the Children's Hearings System

This research project was commissioned by the Scottish Executive to find out how advocacy for children in the Children’s Hearings System compares with arrangements in other UK systems of child welfare and youth justice and those internationally, and what children and young people and the professionals who work with them think about advocacy arrangements in the Children’s Hearings System and how these can be improved.

Securing our future: a way forward for Scotland's secure care estate - a response from the Scottish Government and COSLA

The response is presented of Scottish ministers and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) to the recommendations put forward by the Securing Our Future Initiative into how to make best use of Scotland’s secure care resources to improve outcomes for young people and their communities.

They welcome the group’s report and strongly endorse the principles outlined in the vision. They accept in full the nine recommendations of Securing Our Future Initiative and believe that the recommendations should be implemented as an integrated package.

Getting It Right For Every Child: children and young people's experiences of advocacy support and participation in the Children's Hearings System - big words and big tables

This research project, commissioned by the Scottish Government, looks at how advocacy for children in the Children's Hearings System compares with arrangements in other UK systems of child welfare and youth justice and those internationally, and what children and young people and the professionals who work with them think about advocacy arrangements in the Children's Hearings System and how these can be improved.

SCIE Guide 2: Families that have alcohol and mental health problems: a template for partnership working

This guide is about delivering high quality, coordinated services to families with parents who misuse alcohol or who have mental health problems. It recognises that promoting the well-being of children and keeping them safe should be achieved, wherever possible, by providing support for parents in bringing up their children and by ensuring that children do not take on excessive or inappropriate caring roles in their family.

Blueprint for the Processing of Children’s Hearings Cases : Inter-agency Code of Practice and National Standards

The Time Intervals Working Group was set up in 1997 to report on the processing of cases through the children’s hearings system. Following wide consultation, the first Blueprint, containing a Code of Practice and associated standards and targets, was published in March 1999. The objective was to identify and minimise areas of inconsistency, duplication and unnecessary delay at key points within the system, so that children at risk have their needs addressed effectively at an early stage.