social work education

Continuous learning framework

The Continuous Learning Framework (CLF) was developed by IRISS in conjunction with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) for the whole social services workforce. The CLF aims to improve the quality of outcomes for people using social services by supporting the people who are involved in delivering these services to be the best they can be.

Motivations for Undertaking the New Social Work Degree : Report - August 2005

In January 2005, the Social Work Services Policy Division of the Scottish Executive commissioned the British Market Research Bureau (BMRB) to undertake research to understand why social work students are undertaking the new social work degree and the postgraduate degree. This resource is the full report detailing the findings of this research.

Practice Learning Qualification. PLQ(SS)

The Practice Learning Qualification (Social Services) is a suite of qualifications set at four different levels and aimed at supporting the learning of staff and students in the workplace.

The qualifications reflect the importance of practice learning throughout the workforce and enable those involved in supporting practice learning at all levels of their organisation to gain recognition for their knowledge and skills.