learning styles

Missing Out. A report on children at risk of missing out on educational opportunities

This report aims to highlight characteristics of good practice, raise issues and suggest further ways of improving the overall performance of pupils. As well as revealing some good practice, the findings highlight a number of issues including a lack of consistency and clarity across Scotland in identifying, measuring, and tackling underachievement for the lowest-attaining pupils.

The collaborative state : how working together can transform public services (Demos collection 23)

Collection of case studies and papers which advocate collaboration as a new approach to running local public services. It attempts to provide answers to the questions, why work together?, where can the beginnings of new approaches be found? and what form would government take if it was redesigned for collaboration?

Practice Learning Qualification. PLQ(SS)

The Practice Learning Qualification (Social Services) is a suite of qualifications set at four different levels and aimed at supporting the learning of staff and students in the workplace.

The qualifications reflect the importance of practice learning throughout the workforce and enable those involved in supporting practice learning at all levels of their organisation to gain recognition for their knowledge and skills.

Education and lifelong learning research findings No47/2009: production of case studies of flexible learning and support packages for young people who require more choices and more chances

The study, commissioned by the Scottish Government, was intended to inform a series of papers on ‘Building the Curriculum’ being prepared as part of the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE).