learning styles

Systematic literature review on the perceptions of ways in which support staff work to support pupils’ social and academic engagement in primary classrooms (1988–2003)

This systematic review was published by EPPI-Centre in 2011.Systematic reviews aim to find as much as possible of the research relevant to the particular research questions, and use explicit methods to identify what can reliably be said on the basis of these studies.

Learning skills and the development of learning capabilities

The key aim of this review was to support current policy initiatives: specifically to support the development of personalised learning by identifying teaching and learning strategies which actively engage and challenge learners, which develop their ability to focus on their learning skills and their capability to take ownership of their own progress. A second aim was to identify evidence from research which helps teachers to understand not just what works in terms of specific teaching approaches in specific contexts but why different approaches are successful.

SCIE knowledge review 09: learning and teaching in social work education: textbooks and frameworks on assessment

This review seeks to determine what social work students might learn about assessment from textbooks and frameworks. It aims to be a resource for social work educators in developing a curriculum and selecting textbooks. The knowledge review is for social work educators who are responsible for teaching assessment, especially those who are responsible for developing the curriculum and selecting textbooks. Review published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in April 2005.

SCIE knowledge review 01 : learning and teaching assessment skills in social work education

This knowledge review was conducted to identify good practice in the teaching and learning of assessment in social work qualifying courses to assist social work educators in developing teaching frameworks. However, a lack of evaluated teaching methods has made it difficult to recommend one or more approaches to teaching assessment skills. As a result, this review makes recommendations to guide the development of good practice in this aspect of the social work curriculum. Review published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in November 2003.

Malcolm Knowles, informal adult education, self-direction and anadragogy, the encyclopaedia of informal education

Knowles was convinced that adults learned differently to children - and that this provided the basis for a distinctive field of enquiry. His earlier work on informal adult education had highlighted some elements of process and setting. Similarly, his charting of the development of the adult education movement in the United States had helped him to come to some conclusions about the shape and direction of adult education. What he now needed to do was to bring together these elements. The mechanism he used was the notion of andragogy.

Task Centred Casework

This multimedia learning object provides an introduction to the "task-centered" model of social work intervention. This model was based on the work of Sigmund Freud and the psychoanalysts. Psychoanalytic social work emphasised relationship-focused intervention with the professional adopting the role of the 'expert'.

Adults with learning disabilities implementation of 'The same as you?' Scotland 2006

National figures for services provided by local authorities in Scotland for adults with learning disabilities are presented. All figures for 2006 relate to the week ending 10 September 2006 and are provisional. This publication is a result of The same as you? review of services for people with learning disabilities, published in May 2000. Its 29 recommendations for developing learning disability services set out a programme for change over 10 years.