
Supporting families and carers of drug users : a review

This review examines the impact of drug use upon families and carers and identifies their needs. It examines and describes the range of provision and methods of addressing the needs of families and carers. It gives particular attention to the development of family support groups. It also offers information about resources available to agencies, service providers and family support groups.

Fear of the Unknown : addressing fears, myths, attitudes and values around child protection issues

The aim of this workshop is to dispel the fears of people who are relatively new to child protection issues, and those who feel it is a muddy area of legislation and uncomfortable procedures for themselves and the children and young people they work with.

The beauty of this workshop is it can be used for introduction to child protection issues or to update existing knowledge or beliefs. The exercise lasts between 1 to 3 hours and is suitable for groups of 3 to 20.

Independent living : the right to be equal citizens

Report investigating what it would mean if the social services system in the UK was underpinned by a philosophy of independent living. It describes transformative work already done to show what personalisation looks like in practice, uses case studies of user-led organisations to describe the 'why', 'what' and 'how' of independent living and suggests what should be possible if government implements wholesale reform of the system.

Improving support for black disabled people: lessons from community organisations on making change happen

This study reviews the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s 'Making Change Happen' programme, which provided a year’s funding to four grassroots development organisations with a track record in providing support to black disabled people. The report sets out the learning that emerged from the four development projects.