
Integrated care value case toolkit

The LGA has partnered with NHS England, The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), The Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS), Monitor, NHS Confederation and the Department of Health (DH) to deliver a programme of work carried out by Integrating Care and PPL.

The toolkit enables Health and Wellbeing Boards and local partners to understand the evidence and impact of different integrated care models on service users, as well as the associated impact on activity and cost to different parts of the health and care system.

Personal Outcomes Planning and Review - North Lanarkshire Council

This outcomes plan is North Lanarkshire Council's key working document in the social work assessment and planning process for ongoing involvement with or support to individuals. The document contains guidelines for outcomes planning, monitoring and review, as well as details of effective contingency planning and disagreement resolution. Additionally the document contains templates and forms used for outcomes planning and review.