briefing paper

SCIE Position paper 3: Has service user participation made a difference to social care services?

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) wants to bring together a lot of knowledge about social care, so that information on what works best is available to everyone. This Position paper is about how social care services can be made better by the people who use them - that is, the service users themselves. It brings together the main findings from six reviews that looked at whether service user participation made a difference to changing and improving social care services.

Effective interventions for complex families where there are concerns about, or evidence of, a child suffering significant harm (Safeguarding: briefing 1)

Briefing paper focusing on the effectiveness of interventions in complex child protection cases. Effectiveness here is defined as the prevention of further maltreatment or significant impairment to the child's development.

Personalisation briefing for home care providers

This briefing provides guidance for home care providers on how to meet the challenges posed by the personalisation agenda. It provides details of both opportunities and risks, and also highlights how personalisation will impact on organisations very differently, depending on their size, and whether they have relied on large-scale council contracts or on more self-funded customers. Short examples from practice are also included.

Supported accommodation services for offenders: a research literature review (CJSW briefing paper 11)

Paper investigating the relationship between homelessness and offending and describing supported accommodation services provided by Sacro for offenders in Scotland. It also summarises the principal findings from research on the impact of supported accommodation for offenders and highlights issues for practitioners which come out of the research.