briefing paper

Elements of recovery : International learning and the Scottish context

This is one of a series of discussion papers designed to help generate debate on how best to promote and support recovery from long-term mental health problems in Scotland. This paper is based on international learning around what people have identified as important elements in the promotion and support of recovery from long-term mental health problems.

Mental health care and the criminal justice system

This briefing paper examines the provision of mental health care in the criminal justice system. It looks at what has been achieved to date and identifies priorities for further work. It starts with an overview of the prison population, looking at ethnicity, gender, young people and Imprisonment for Public Protection.

The section on mental health care in prison covers: identifying mental health problems; transfer to NHS care; primary mental health care; dual diagnosis; personality disorders. Alternatives to imprisonment including diversion and community sentences are discussed.

The mental health and well being of children and young people in residential care : are services meeting the standards? (The Care Commission bulletin)

Bulletin investigating the quality of service provided to children and young people looked after away from home in residential services such as care homes, residential special schools and secure accommodation services with regard to their mental health and well being.

Migration and Rural Economies: Assessing and addressing risks

This paper examines the implications of increasing migration to rural areas, looking in particular at the economics of this phenomenon. We explore the roles migrants are playing, the economic impacts of migration on existing populations and businesses, and what future migratory trends might be. In particular, we consider whether recent migration to rural Britain has led to any risks for rural economies; and if so, how these risks can be managed.

SCIE research briefing 17: Therapies and approaches for helping children and adolescents who deliberately self-harm (DSH)

This briefing focuses on other therapies or measures to help children and young people who deliberately self-harm (DSH). The aim of the therapy is either to reduce the amount they self harm or to stop them self-harming completely. The population covered by this briefing are children and adolescents up to the age of 19 who live in the community. The characteristics of self-harm, and the psychological and psychosocial factors associated with self-harm among children and adolescents are covered in a previous briefing in this series.