briefing paper

A guide to developing a short break bureau

Shared Care Scotland exists to promote the development of more imaginative, personcentred approaches to short breaks and respite care. The carers and service users we speak to are looking for quality services which offer choice, flexibility and reliability; a range of services that meet different needs and circumstances rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach. The development of Short Break Bureaux in Scotland, involves collaborative working between the statutory and voluntary sector. This guide provides a model of service planning.

More than a break

The purpose of this discussion paper is to set out some of the key issues related to the experience of disabled children and their families in being able to access suitable short break and respite care support, and their experience of services received. The paper is intended as a starting point to stimulate a wider discussion amongst service users, carers, providers, planners and others to determine the main priorities for improving provision and achieving better outcomes for all concerned.

CRFR research briefings

A Centre for Research on Families and Relationships web resource containing a series of briefing papers on the subjects of parental alcohol problems, young people's views of services, children's mental health, sexual health, quality of life, domestic and other violence, relationships, and other children's and families issues.