briefing paper

Devolving housing benefit: a discussion paper

CIH Scotland and the SFHA commissioned the authors to write a short discussion paper that considers the scope and implications of devolving UK-reserved Housing Benefit (HB) to Scotland. The first section outlines the policy context and the second section explores the practicalities, risks and challenges of devolving housing benefit under current constitutional arrangements (that is, with social security treated as a reserved function).

Empowerment of rural women in Northern Ireland: impacts on poverty, development and current challenges

Paper that provides an overview of the main approaches being taken to the alleviation of rural poverty and rural development as well as exploring whether these approaches have specifically targeted or benefitted rural women.

The paper also identifies some of the key issues still impacting on rural women that need to be addressed both present and future within Northern Ireland.

The care placements evaluation (CaPE) evaluation of Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care for Adolescents (MTFC-A)

Study that evaluated the effectiveness of Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care for Adolescents (MTFCA), an innovative, evidence-based form of fostering for looked after children (age 11-16 years) with complex needs.

MTFC-A was implemented by 18 English local authorities, using pump-priming money from the former Department for Children, Schools and Families and supported by an implementation team at the Institute of Psychiatry.