early childhood

Towards universal early years provision: analysis of take-up by disadvantaged families from recent annual childcare surveys

Report that reflects the coalition government’s commitment to continue work on identifying barriers to the uptake of early years provision among the most disadvantaged three and four year olds as an important means of reducing educational and socio-economic inequality (Gove 2010). The study uses data from the 2008 and 2009 surveys in the Childcare and Early Years Survey of Parents series.

A study of children's perspectives on the quality of their experiences in early years provision

Thesis that presents a study of three and four year-old children attending preschool at a time of rapid expansion of this phase of education. There is strong evidence that the quality of the experience is the determining factor in the long term effectiveness of early years provision. However, quality is a contested concept with a range of viewpoints, defined by different stakeholders including children.

How can early years services improve access and transition into early years settings and primary schools for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children?

Research project that explored how interagency working could put such policy and guidance into practice and considered what this work might look like at grassroots level. It used a mixed-method approach comprising action research and quantitative analysis of questionnaires completed by research practitioners. The methodology was found to be effective as it supported the aims and objectives of the research. It also empowered the researchers and the research participants developing practice.

Improving development outcomes for children through effective practice in integrating early years services (Research Review 3)

Review that aims to provide the reader with a clearer understanding of integrated service provision in the early years and the policy behind it. It was carried out by the Institute of Education on behalf of the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People’s Services (C4EO).