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Overview of mental health services

Report that provides an overview of mental health services across Scotland and is the first in a series of planned reports in this area. Audit Scotland has carried out an overview to highlight areas for improvement and to identify priorities for future audit work. The report looks at mental health services provided by the NHS, councils, prisons, the police and the voluntary sector across Scotland for people of all ages.

The study examines the accessibility and availability of services and how much is spent on them. In this study, the researchers analysed published data and research on mental health, reviewed documents and interviewed staff at the Scottish Government, special NHS boards, the Scottish Prison Service and the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS).

The researchers also carried out detailed fieldwork in three areas across Scotland (Glasgow, Highland and Tayside) which included interviews with local councils and NHS boards and reviewing available local data, held focus groups with, and interviewed staff from, various voluntary organisations, held focus groups with people who have used mental health services and their carers, received several good practice examples from NHS boards and councils across Scotland, highlight issues for non-executive NHS board members to raise within their boards, and make recommendations for the Scottish Government and local partners.

Audit Scotland