The National Involvement Network is a loose group of people with learning disabilities who are supported by different organisations across Scotland. What group members have in common is that they want to have more say over the services they use. One of the biggest achievements they have made is a publication called the Charter for Involvement. This book shows clearly what kind of involvement people who use services want. The National Involvement Network has succeeded in getting a lot of provider organisations to sign up to this Charter. Which means more services designed, shaped and delivered by the people that actually use them! You can download the Charter for Involvement here The National Involvement Network is supported by ARC Scotland. Here is a link to their website
The User and Carer Forum think that the National Involvement Network are a good example of these Citizen Leadership principles:
3. Early Involvement
The National Involvement Network themselves decided to produce the Charter for Involvement. So they were involved from start to finish, and they have ownership of the finished product
4. Person-Centred
As part of the NIN, members have got a range of opportunities to use their leadership skills, from training and making presentations to chairing groups
8. Wider Benefit
The work of the NIN is intended to benefit people with learning disabilities living across Scotland, by changing attitudes about how services are developed