
The second destitution tally: an indication of thee extent of destitution among asylum seekers, refused asylum seekers and refugees

The second destitution tally survey took place between 1st and 31st October 2008, and aimed to capture statistics on destitution of asylum seekers throughout the UK by surveying visitors to agencies belonging to the Asylum Support Partnership.

The report is in two parts: the Executive Summary provides a brief overview of the research for policy makers, setting out the aim of the exercise, the key findings, conclusions and recommendations; and the Research Results section gives additional evidence to reinforce the key findings.

Fair for all : disability

Fair For All - Disability is a strategic partnership initiative developed by the Scottish Executive Health Department, and the Disability Rights Commission. The team consists of health service, voluntary sector and Disability Rights Commission staff. The initiative is part of the Scottish Executive Health Department's wider Patient Focus and Public Involvement agenda and the national Equality and Diversity approach known as 'Fair for All Wider Challenge'.

Angus Child Protection Committee: survey results

This survey was carried out in May 2005. It asked 3 questions:

1. How should we provide information about who can help with matters of child well being or protection?
2. Who would you talk to about a child whose well being or protection you were concerned about?
3. If written information was provided how would you like to get it? The document provides results, and compares paper and e-survey responses.