domestic violence

National domestic violence delivery plan: annual progress report 2008-09

The Home Office presents an annual report about domestic violence, where statistics show that a big number of the victims have been victimised three or more times.

However a raising awareness about this type of violence within a range of practitioners and the increase of appropriate training and tools are becoming the keys to an early identification and intervention.

Stolen futures: trafficking for forced child marriage in the UK

ECPAT UK (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and the Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) has found that children are being trafficked out of and into the United Kingdom for forced marriage. in the UK forced marriage is recognised as a human rights abuse and a form of domestic violence. If a child is forced into marriage then it can be considered child abuse.

Looking beyond risk. Parental substance misuse: scoping policy

Parental substance misuse can result in a considerable number of negative effects on the family. However, it is incredibly hard to calculate how many children and other family members might be affected. There is also growing evidence that some children appear to be more resilient than others to the negative impact of parental substance misuse. There is a need to investigate how these general statements relate to parental substance misuse across Scotland, a topic that has been given priority status by the Scottish Executive, and other key organisations.