Incentive schemes
This topic is included in the EPPI-Centre knowledge library. The Knowledge Pages facility enables users to search for the key messages within specific subject areas to which EPPI-Centre reviews have contributed.
This topic is included in the EPPI-Centre knowledge library. The Knowledge Pages facility enables users to search for the key messages within specific subject areas to which EPPI-Centre reviews have contributed.
There is considerable policy interest in the use of incentives to promote positive behaviour in children and young people. However, there is uncertainty about whether this approach works, and if so, what the underlying mechanisms are. This report summarises ongoing activity in the use of incentive schemes both in the UK and internationally. This systematic review was published by EPPI-Centre in 2005.
This review was a scoping exercise to identify the nature and extent of both international research studies evaluating incentive schemes and ongoing incentive schemes in the UK. This systematic review was published by EPPI-Centre in 2005. Systematic reviews aim to find as much as possible of the research relevant to the particular research questions, and use explicit methods to identify what can reliably be said on the basis of these studies.
Report presenting the findings of a research study which applied a social marketing framework to eight examples of health improvement campaigns and initiatives in order to inform the development of a social marketing health improvement strategy for Scotland.
Report of a feasibility study which aimed to establish the parameters of a potential healthy working practices demonstration and research project and ensure that the research focused on answering the right questions.
Report of a study which reviewed the use and appropriateness of available health behaviour change (HBC) resources on alcohol by various professionals within different settings. The aim was to review the evidence base for the link between topic areas to inform the development of future resources.