
New grounds of referral: children’s hearings Scotland act 2011 Section 67(2): fact sheet 9

This fact sheet 9 was published by the Youth Justice National Development Team at the Criminal Justice Social Work Development Centre (CJSW). It provides information about section 67 (2) of the Children’s Hearings Scotland Act 2011. The grounds of referral to the Children’s Reporter are found under s67(2) of the new act. There are some similarities with the 1995 Act & 5 new grounds. The wording “close connection” is used throughout and this should be interpreted as a member of the same household or someone with significant contact with the child.

Commissioning care homes: common safeguarding challenges (SCIE guide 46)

Guide that aims to identify the issues that commonly lead to safeguarding referrals from care homes. The underlying causes are also identified; neither are in order of prevalence.

Prevention checklists are provided to help both commissioners and providers to work towards a reduction in occurrence of these issues. There are additional links to resources.

Safeguarding: council developments

Report that provides details of how safeguarding practices have been improved in the areas of leadership and management; recruiting, maintaining and retaining a highly competent workforce; quality assurance and performance management; referral and assessment processes and procedures; and partnership working.

It gives localised accounts of practice implementation and, where possible, evidence of outcomes.

Social Work Intervention

Social Work Intervention is suitable for use once students have appreciated the basic structure and content of the legal rules, which can be applied to a case. Social Work Intervention will raise awareness of: the legal rules that create the framework for social work intervention; the different points of intervention: initial referral and screening, assessment and care planning; and review and re-assessment.