preventive practice

Measuring the impact of cuts in public expenditure on the provision of services to prevent violence against women and girls

Report that considers the evidence on cuts in budgets and services to prevent violence against women and girls. It collects together the data as to where the cuts have been falling drawn from around 20 published and previously unpublished sources.

Immediate costs to government of loss of home

Paper that sets out to quantify the costs to government associated with the loss of a home.

These costs can be aggregated and used to make the case for increased funding for preventative measures (so-called 'spend to save' arguments), for the creation of protocols and procedures to reduce the risk of problems leading to loss of home, and to estimate the savings which might arise from such arrangements, as well as to help assess the impact of policy changes.

Delivering children's services in the UK and other parts of the world - a short policy context

Paper that aims to articulate the variety of models for children’s services delivery that exist internationally and places these in the context of current UK policy and practice. The key sections present outlines of the different policy and service provision approaches to children’s services in the UK and the top performing OECD countries. This latter group comprises the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), and the Netherlands. Brief reference is made to other countries, where appropriate.

Rules of engagement: changing the heart of youth justice

The link between social breakdown and crime is well established. In the CSJ’s seminal report Breakthrough Britain, five common drivers of poverty and social breakdown were identified – educational failure, family breakdown, addiction, worklessness and economic dependency, and debt.

In February 2010, the CSJ launched a review of the youth justice system to identify how it might be reformed to improve outcomes for young people, victims and society.

All babies count: prevention and protection for vulnerable babies

Based on extensive research, consultation and original analysis, this report adds new dimensions to the case for early intervention.

It shines a light on the disproportionate vulnerability of babies to abuse and neglect; and it provides the first estimates of the numbers of babies affected by parental problems of substance misuse, mental illness and domestic abuse.

The science of prevention for children and youth

Paper that makes the case that prevention science provides a framework for ensuring that prevention initiatives are founded on robust evidence and implemented in a way that will allow progressive growth in knowledge of 'what works' in prevention.

It examines some of the opportunities and challenges in a shift to an evidence-based prevention agenda to improve the lives of children and young people.

Preventing infection in care: infection prevention and control - older person care homes and home environment

Learning programme workbook and workbook answers, which provide a structured approach to assessing and developing knowledge and skills. They can provide evidence for Personal Development Plan (PDP); Professional Development Review (PDR); SVQ Portfolio evidence; Continuing Professional Development (CPD) or Continuous Learning Framework (CLF).

The workbook is to be used to record what is learned and demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to carry out the role as part of the Care Home or Care at Home team. Supervisors can also write down notes and answer questions.