evidence-informed practice

Report 23: a review of knowledge management and evidence-based practice activities and networks in adult social care in the North West of England

The purpose of this report is to review existing knowledge management and evidence-based practice activities and networks in the North West region and to develop a regional strategy for taking this forward. Time and resources are often wasted because people develop methods over and over again, rather than sharing what they know through reliable local, regional, national and international networks.

SCIE report 17: the kinds and quality of social work research in UK universities

This report is part of a programme of work by SCIE, the Scottish Institute for Excellence in Social Work Education and the Economic and Social Research Council to develop evidence-based social care by strengthening one of its core disciplines: social work research. The report proposes a framework for assessing the nature and quality of social work research in universities in the UK, and provides a reference point for building research capacity in social work. Report published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in June 2007.

SCIE report 11: ESRC research, social work and social care

This report looks at what contribution ESRC research programmes make - and might make - to the knowledge base for social work and social care. The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is the largest single UK funder of social science research. Its role has been significantly expanded in recent years with a view to reinforcing the contribution made by social science to evidence-based policy and practice. Report published by Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in December 2004.

Empowering vulnerable children and their parents using Talking Mats

Case study which describes the use of Talking Mats at Stenhouse Child and Family Centre (Edinburgh City Council) with very young, vulnerable children and their parents.

Talking Mats is a low-tech communication tool originally developed by the Alternative and Augmentative Communication Research Unit to support people with communication impairment including those with stroke, learning disability and dementia.

Decision-making and social work in Scotland: the role of evidence and practice wisdom

Report that presents the results of a small qualitative study undertaken between February and March 2011. It considers the role of evidence in decision making around risk in social work and what affects this process.

The research aims to shed light on the relationship between evidence and practice wisdom (as an evidence type or integrating vehicle) or professional judgement, and how this relationship shapes decision making.

A summative report on the qualitative evaluation on the eleven remodelling social work pilots 2008-11

The social work remodelling project was a pilot programme developed to allow authorities to explore different ways of delivering social work practice. Local authorities were provided with additional resources to attempt to address the deficits they identified in delivering an effective social work offer to children and their families.

The science of prevention for children and youth

Paper that makes the case that prevention science provides a framework for ensuring that prevention initiatives are founded on robust evidence and implemented in a way that will allow progressive growth in knowledge of 'what works' in prevention.

It examines some of the opportunities and challenges in a shift to an evidence-based prevention agenda to improve the lives of children and young people.