The Cavendish review
An independent review into healthcare assistants and support workers in the NHS and social care settings.
An independent review into healthcare assistants and support workers in the NHS and social care settings.
Part of the Supporting Me series, this guide provides information for personal assistants employed by or for someone with autistic spectrum condition.
Part of the Supporting Me series, this guide contains information about what it means to have a learning disability and how to provide good support.
This briefing examines the implications of the personalisation agenda for personal assistants. Personalisation means thinking about care and support services in an entirely different way. This means starting with the person as an individual with strengths, preferences and aspirations and putting them at the centre of the process of identifying their needs and making choices about how and when they are supported to live their lives. It requires a significant transformation of adult social care so that all systems, processes, staff and services are geared up to put people first.
Briefing that examines the implications of the personalisation agenda for people with autistic spectrum conditions.
Report that presents the findings of a study of the workforce and employment issues surrounding Self-Directed Support (SDS) carried out by Reid Howie Associates for the Scottish Government between March and September 2009.
Self-Directed Support (SDS) provides funding for people to arrange support to meet some, or all of their assessed community care needs, instead of receiving services directly provided by a public body. Most people use the money to employ a personal assistant (PA) and/or to buy support from a service provider.