Managing contact for children outside of parental care
Podcast of a talk by Robin Sen from the Glasgow School of Social Work on the subject of managing contact for children outside of parental care, and the challenges and possibilities involved.
Podcast of a talk by Robin Sen from the Glasgow School of Social Work on the subject of managing contact for children outside of parental care, and the challenges and possibilities involved.
Paper assessing the relative merits and demerits of institutional care and foster care through considering four components of service outcomes: the safety and well-being of children while in care, permanence/re-entry from care, long-term success of children in out of home care and the costs of out of home care.
Provides the detailed oral and written evidence presented to the Children, Schools and Families Select Committee session on looked after children. The session aimed to investigate the performance of the care system in England, consider whether the Governments proposals for reform were soundly based, and to find out whether the Care Matters programme would be effective in helping looked after children. A summary of the findings are provided in Volume I.
Briefing paper explaining Individual Placement and Support (IPS), a method of helping people with mental health problems secure and maintain paid competitive employment. It outlines the evidence base for IPS and provides information on how to implement it.
Presents the findings of the Children, Schools and Families Select Committee which aimed to investigate the performance of the care system in England, consider whether the Governments proposals for reform were soundly based, and to find out whether the Care Matters programme would be effective in helping looked after children.
This is an evaluation report of the Boarding Provision for Vulnerable Children Pathfinder announced in the white paper 'Higher standards, better schools for all' (2005). The Pathfinder was intended to explore whether boarding school provision might be used to provide support, stability and improved life chances for a larger number of vulnerable children and young people. Ten local authorities and fifty boarding schools originally signed up to the Pathfinder.
This is a summary of a report on a study that sought to identify: differences in planning for disabled young people in residential schools outside local authority boundaries compared to young people attending their local special schools; the factors which impact on transition planning and transition outcomes for these young people; key areas for future research and the feasibility of such work.
Discusses the case of a girl with a history of serious self-harm who had a history of unsuccessful placements. A decision was made to move her to a rural location far from emergency medical help to provide her with a therapeutic residential placement.
Report of a study which looked at routes, destinations and outcomes for pupils permanently excluded from special schools and Pupil Referral Units. The study arose out of concerns over the quality of educational provision for young people with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties in England voiced by the Steer Report.
This is a report on a study that sought to identify: differences in planning for disabled young people in residential schools outside local authority boundaries compared to young people attending their local special schools; the factors which impact on transition planning and transition outcomes for these young people; key areas for future research and the feasibility of such work.