child protection services

Safeguarding children peer review programme: learning and recommendations

The Local Government Group commissioned The National Foundation for Educational Research in England and Wales (NFER) to undertake an independent research study to draw out key messages and learning from the safeguarding children peer review programme. Telephone interviews were conducted with staff from five local authorities and their partners, as well as with a range of peers from the review teams of those local authorities. Interviews were carried out between August 2010 and February 2011.

Parents Protect

Child sexual abuse awareness and prevention website which was created by the child sexual abuse prevention campaign, Stop it Now! UK and Ireland and the Lucy Faithfull Foundation (LFF).

The website aims to raise awareness about child sexual abuse, answer questions offer information to help protect children.

The Munro review of child protection: final report – a child-centred system

Final report which sets out proposals for reform which, taken together, are intended to create the conditions that enable professionals to make the best judgments about the help to give to children, young people and families.

This involves moving from a system that has become over-bureaucratised and focused on compliance to one that values and develops professional expertise and is focused on the safety and welfare of children and young people.

Early intervention, using the CAF process, and its cost effectiveness: findings from LARC3

The LARC3 research findings provide important "real time‟ evidence about the cost effectiveness of early intervention. At a time when there is increasing interest in promoting sector-led models of service improvement, the LARC model, in which local authorities and national agencies undertake collaborative research, has potential as one of the "improvement tools‟ available to local authorities and government.

Challenge question: what more can we do through children’s centres and schools to address child poverty?

Challenge question postcard published by the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People’s Services in 2010. This downloadable postcard present challenge questions from C4EO’s research. The questions act as checklists to stimulate multi-agency thinking and help you develop your Child Poverty strategy and practice. There are questions for strategic leaders in children’s services, housing professionals, health professionals and frontline practitioners.

Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) toolkit

Local safeguarding children boards (LSCBs) have a statutory obligation to communicate and raise awareness of their activity as outlined in Working together to safeguard children: a guide to inter-agency working. This includes ensuring that partner organisations, such as statutory and independent agencies and employers, are aware of safeguarding arrangements. It is also important that members of the local community have an increased understanding of the work that is being carried out to help keep children safe.