social care services

Pain management for older people with learning difficulties and dementia

In general, the pain relief needs of older people with dementia are not adequately met. The aim of this research was to determine whether the same unsatisfactory treatment also applies to people with learning difficulties who have dementia and, if so, to make recommendations for improving practice. The research team was based at the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, University of Edinburgh, and the Dementia Services Development Centre, University of Stirling.

Capability Framework in Scotland for Nurses who Care for Children and Young People who are Looked After Away from Home

The Capability Framework defines a common set of capabilities for nurses built around five key areas: Practising Ethically, Knowledge for Practice, Leadership for Practice, Multi-Professional Approach, Care Delivery & Intervention, it will help the development of educational programmes to ensure that LACNs are fully competent and capable to meet the challenges they face. It has been developed by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and the Scottish Government Health Directorate.

Better care every step of the way

More than 40% of care homes in Scotland need to improve the support they offer people with life-limiting illnesses and those who require palliative and end of life care, according to a new report from Scotland’s care watchdog.

This report reflects the findings of 1036 inspections and three investigations carried out by the Care Commission at care homes for older people between April 2007 and March 2008.

Assessment for care and support in England

The Alzheimer's Society is the UK's leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They produce information and advice sheets to support those affected by dementia. This information sheet explains that if a person is confused or has dementia and needs support, their local authority social services department should carry out a community care assessment. If this assessment shows that the person needs certain services, the local authority has a duty to ensure that these services are provided.

Refuge for young runaways in the UK: a critical overview

This report deals with the concept of 'refuge' for children under the age of sixteen who are away from home or care, as established under section 51 of the Children's Act 1989 and section 38 of The Children's (Scotland) Act 1995. It discusses the factors affecting its provision in the UK and goes on to detail a series of pilot programmes, run between 2004-2006. These were funded by the Department of Health and the Department for Education and Skills, aimed to extend the models of community-based refuge.

Children in care

For a variety of reasons, some children and young people can’t live with their parents. When parents aren’t able to look after a child, the local authority has a legal responsibility to do so. It will find somewhere for the young person to live and someone to look after them. When this happens, the child is said to be “in care” or being “looked after”.

Good Practice: Creative ways to promote personalisation

Describes some creative ways of promoting personalisation to service users and practitioners. The four methods highlighted are: A board game called 'Whose shoes? - putting people first'; a website (shop4support) where people who use social care support services can choose them online; Social Care TV - to be launched by SCIE in October - which will include video about personalisation, and attending regional personalisation roadshows.

Facing dementia

A booklet for those who are either worried about dementia or who have been diagnosed. It provides reassurance and suggests practical steps to improve or maintain dignity and the quality of life as far as possible.