older people

Spirituality and ageing: implications for the care and support of older people (IRISS Insights, No19)

It is predicted that by 2033 there will be a 50% increase in the number of people over 60 in Scotland. This is accompanied by increasing longevity.

This evidence review focuses on the spiritual care of older people as one of the ways in which person-centred care can be achieved.

Assessing current and future housing and support options for older LGB people

Report that documents author' perspectives and then examine some of the relevant literature on the potential of personalisation, co-production, mutuality and concepts of the family.

It presents the findings of an online survey of younger LGB adults (30-69) who were asked to consider how and where they would like to live in older age, particularly if they have high support needs.

Health, wellbeing, and the older people housing agenda

One of three papers which explores the practicalities of deliveringhousing for older people and maximising the benefits to health andwellbeing.

It uses as a starting point the guidance provided in the ADASS/Housing Learning and Improvement Network's Strategic Housing for Older People resource pack, Planning, designing and delivering housing that older people want and, more recently, work the Housing. LIN is involved in with the NHS Commissioning Board to develop a health and housing compact that supports closer integrated approaches with housing to support patient care.