gay men

A national study of ageing and HIV (50 plus)

This report contains the views and concerns of people with HIV aged 50 and over, living into an old age that many of them never expected to see. The social care needs of this rapidly growing group have not previously been addressed in the UK. The 50 Plus research project asked 410 of them – 1 in 25 of all those currently being seen for care – for their views on their current and future lives. The report also analysed the resulting data to compare three of the largest subgroups: gay/bisexual men, black African women and white heterosexuals.

Being Positive

Being Positive, a two-part investigative Open University/BBC series, examines the nature of the AIDS virus, how it works and the history of the development of HIV drug treatments. Part one, Dead Unlucky and part two, Dead Lucky, follow the stories of people who have been infected. This resource is part of the website which is the online learning portal from the Open University and the BBC.

Lesbianism (Radio 4 series: Woman's Hour)

This episode of Radio 4's Woman's Hour series looks at how being a lesbian has changed. Jenni Murray talks to Clare Summerskill about her new play, Gateway to Heaven which is based entirely on the memories of older lesbians and gay men. Their stories are an eye-opener on a time when lesbians and gay men were significantly more constrained, both legally and socially, than they are today.