
Ethnicity and child poverty feasibility study

This feasibility study was conducted to establish the potential for a research study of child poverty and ethnicity in the United Kingdom. It explored data sources that could be analysed by ethnic group and the questions relating to child poverty and ethnicity that they might answer. This was used as a basis on which to agree the coverage of the main stage report on ethnicity and child poverty (Research Report no. 576 due to be published in May 2009).

Children's hearing system in Scotland

The children's hearings system, Scotland's unique system of juvenile justice, commenced operating on 15 April 1971. The system is centred on the welfare of the child. A fundamental principle is that the needs of the child should be the key test and that children who offend and children who are in need of care and protection should be dealt with in the same system. Cases relating to children who may require compulsory measures of intervention are considered by an independent panel of trained lay people.

Improving support for black disabled people: lessons from community organisations on making change happen

This study reviews the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s 'Making Change Happen' programme, which provided a year’s funding to four grassroots development organisations with a track record in providing support to black disabled people. The report sets out the learning that emerged from the four development projects.