
Facing dementia

A booklet for those who are either worried about dementia or who have been diagnosed. It provides reassurance and suggests practical steps to improve or maintain dignity and the quality of life as far as possible.

Remember, I’m still me

Care homes across Scotland need to significantly improve the care they offer to people living with dementia.

This report was produce by the Care Commission and the Mental Welfare Commission and highlights a range of concerns, most notably the excessive use of drugs used to control behaviour and the lack of regular medication reviews.

Ages and Stages of Down's Syndrome

This resource is produced by Down's Syndrome Scotland and looks at the ages and stages of Down's Syndrome. It also provides information about the health problems associated with Down's syndrome, screening and testing, child development, growing older and dementia. There is also a list of relevant professionals that can help people with Down's syndrome as well as their families and carers.

World Alzheimer Reports

Reports presenting a comprehensive global prevalence study of dementia and examining levels of mortality, disability, strain on carers and dependency. Also considers examples of good national dementia plans and provides information on health service responses. It includes recommendations for a global framework for action on dementia.

Common Mental Health Problems amongst Older People

This learning object introduces you to some of the key facts and statistics about depression, dementia and long standing mental ill health. It explains who might be at risk of developing a mental illness as they grow older and why. It also includes information about people who have experienced serious mental illness such as schizophrenia throughout their lives and the main issues facing them as they age. This object also contains a self-assessment section where you can test how far you have assimilated the key messages from this learning object.