
Commissioning care homes: common safeguarding challenges (SCIE guide 46)

Guide that aims to identify the issues that commonly lead to safeguarding referrals from care homes. The underlying causes are also identified; neither are in order of prevalence.

Prevention checklists are provided to help both commissioners and providers to work towards a reduction in occurrence of these issues. There are additional links to resources.

Getting it together for mental health care: payment by results, personalisation and whole system working

Paper that considers how the two policy initiatives of Payment by Results (PbR) and personalisation need to be developed in tandem with one another, and in the context of whole system commissioning, if the aims of both are to be achieved.

It raises some questions for discussion about whether personalisation and PbR can meet the challenge of a more radical whole system approach and what impact success or failure will have on mental health services and outcomes for individuals. It concludes with some specific issues that need to be considered nationally and locally.

The ripple effect: the nature and impact of the children and young people's voluntary sector

Research commissioned by the Voluntary Sector Support programme (VSS) and carried out by the Research Centre at the National Children’s Bureau (NCB), which provides an extensive and in-depth exploration of the nature of the children and young people’s voluntary sector and its involvement in shaping and delivering local statutory services and support.

Joining up health and social social care: improving value for money across the interface

Briefing that sets out the potential areas for local action; the questions local commissioners might ask themselves and the evidence that may help with the answers; potential indicators for identifying areas for improvements and for tracking progress; and what the national data suggests in these key areas.

Social action for health and well-being: building co-operative communities

Document that covers four strategic themes that fundamentally shape the environment in which volunteering takes place and the willingness and ability of people to contribute.

The themes include:

• Leadership – building activity and service provision around people’s strengths
• Partnership – working together to build community capacity
• Commissioning – for better outcomes and increased social value
• Volunteer support – creating good volunteering experiences that are open to all.

Adults' services SCIE guide 21 : commissioning and providing mental health advocacy for African and Caribbean men

This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in June 2007.

SCIE guide 14 : Improving outcomes for service users in adult placement : commissioning and care management

This guide sets out the findings of the 2005 practice survey, and suggests practice points for care managers, line managers and their managers, and directors of adult social care services, as well as adult placement schemes, to help improve outcomes for people using adult placement services.