
Handled with care?: managing medication for residents of care homes and children's homes - a follow up study (CSCI special study report)

Report of a study which followed up an investigation by the National Care Standards Commission in 2004 into the management of medication in care and children's homes in England which found homes were not performing well in this area.

The follow up study found some improvement but not enough to be wholly satisfactory.

SCIE Position paper 2: A framework for supporting and assessing practice learning

In this position paper, the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) sets out a skills and qualifications framework that should support practice learning, both in the new degree and across social care organisations. We focus on ways of supporting those whose task it is to assess practice in the workplace ('practice assessors’). We also look at employers’ opportunities for organisational development, improved practice standards and human resource development (HRD).

Perth and Kinross Child Protection Committee Annual Report : 2005-2006 and Business Plan : 2006-2007

This is the second annual report of the Perth and Kinross Child Protection Committee (CPC) and it sets out the wide range of work which has been undertaken by partner agencies in the past year to evaluate, strengthen and develop services to protect children and young people in Perth and Kinross. Significant achievements include wide ranging campaigns and initiatives to raise awareness about child protection and what to do if you have concerns about the safety of a child.