assistive technology

Smart technology and community care for older people : innovation in West Lothian, Scotland

Report evaluating West Lothian Council's approach to the care and support of older people at home in which smart technology is integrated into a model of care which stresses choice, independence and capacity building for older people and aims to support them to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. The evaluation looked at the views and experiences of stakeholders and the cost effectiveness of the programme.

Adaptations, improvements and repairs to the home

The Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They produce information and advice sheets to support those affected by dementia. This factsheet is about making adaptations, improvements or repairs to the home of people with dementia. These changes may help to make life easier or make it possible for the person to remain at home for longer. This information sheet also suggests where to go for advice and the grants that may be available.

Equality impact assessment: living well with dementia, National Dementia Strategy

Document exploring the possible impact of the National Dementia Strategy for England on people according to their age, disability, race, religion, gender and sexual orientation with a view to ensuring that implementation of the strategy takes account of any potential issues and informs continuing efforts to lessen inequality.

Seizing the opportunity: telecare strategy 2008-2010

This strategy sets out the Scottish Government’s expectations of further developments in telecare: telecare to contribute significantly to the achievement of personalised health and social care outcomes for individuals; telecare to contribute significantly to delivering wider national benefits in areas such as shifting the balance of care and the management of long-term health conditions; and local partnerships to mainstream telecare within local service planning.