
Integrated Care for Drug Users : principles and practice

This document sets out the rationale for integrated care and its wider context. It provides definitions and concepts of integrated care and its key elements: accessibility, assessment, planning and delivery of care, information sharing, monitoring and evaluation. Evidence is also provided from research literature, focus groups and consultation on the key issues that influence effective practice in integrated care. Key principles and elements of effective practice drawn from the evidence are also explained.

Effective interventions unit: integrated care pathways guide 1 - definitions and concepts

First in a series of guides on developing and implementing Integrated Care Pathways (ICPs). While ICPs have been developed within health settings, there is a growing interest in their development across a range of treatment and social care settings to ensure that a co-ordinated, quality service is provided over the full continuum of care. Care pathways are designed to minimise delays, make best use of resources, and maximise quality of care.

This guide examines when and how integrated care pathways can be used to provide better care for people with drug problems.

Review of methadone in drug treatment: prescribing information and practice

The former First Minister, Jack McConnell, announced a review of the place of methadone in drug treatment programmes on 6 March 2006 following the death of 2 year old Derek Doran. This review was conducted at the same time as the wider inter-departmental programme of work being undertaken across the Executive on children in drug abusing households.

There is increasing public, political and media interest in the use of methadone in drug treatment and in the perceived public risk posed by ‘leakage’ into the wider community, particularly in relation to children.

Effective interventions unit: integrated care pathways guide 2 - developing integrated pathways

This is the second in a series of guides on developing and implementing Integrated Care Pathways (ICPs). This guide identifies the steps involved in developing an ICP and examines each process in more detail.

It is aimed at anyone involved in commissioning, planning, developing, delivering and evaluating services for drug users.

Drug misuse and dependence : UK guidelines on clinical management

This resource is intended for all clinicians, especially those providing pharmacological interventions for drug misusers as a component of drug misuse treatment. The report discusses the effectiveness of drug treatment, the impact of drug misuse on families and communities, psychosocial components of treatment, health considerations including preventing drug-related death and blood-borne infections and considered specific treatment situations and populations such as mental health, criminal justice, pregnancy, young people and prisons.

Hidden harm: responding to the needs of children of problem drug users

In this ground-breaking report, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs considers the impact on children of parental problem drug use. For the first time ever, it assesses the number of affected children in the UK.

It examines the evidence for significant harm to their health and well-being. It considers what is being done at present to help them and what more could be done.