
The introduction of restorative justice approaches in young people’s residential units: a critical evaluation

This report evaluates Hertfordshire County Council’s introduction of restorative justice in its young people’s residential units. It provides quantitative data about police call-outs to residential units before and after the introduction of restorative justice. It also presents qualitative data drawn from the experiences of young people living in residential units, as well as from the staff who work in them.

The relationship between child maltreatment, sexual abuse and subsequent suicide attempts

This briefing evaluates the relationship between child abuse (particularly sexual abuse) and other risk factors present during childhood, and subsequent suicide attempts. It concludes that suicide ideation is a common feature of children and young people who have experienced maltreatment or are at risk of maltreatment.

respectme website

respectme, Scotland's Anti-Bullying Service was launched in March 2007. This organisation works with all adults who have a role to play in the lives of children and young people to give them the practical skills and confidence to deal with bullying behaviour, where it occurs.

Gay bullying (Radio 4 series: Woman's Hour)

How can homophobic bullying be stopped? It is estimated that there are 60,000 lesbians and gay teenagers subjected to homophobic bullying at any one time. Gay rights charity, Stonewall, has launched a campaign called Education for All which highlights the problems of this type of bullying in schools. Jenni hears from a lesbian who endured bullying at school for many years.

She also finds out what is being done to eradicate this neglected aspect of bullying and why despite government guidelines, schools still don't seem to know how to deal with this problem.